Older Homes

Whilst many of our older properties were occupied by tenant farmers who made their living from farming, some were not. Many tenants worked as agricultural labourers and their cottages were ‘tied’. Some homes were also shops or other business premises and information on these maybe found on other pages.

Many of our not-so-new houses do not have paper work as to when they were first built or if they were rebuilt on the foot print of an older house.

Homes along Saxham Street

Blacksmith Cottage  and Octopus Recording Studio

Cobbold Cottages

Grange farm Cottage

Little Meadow (see Daveys Farm)

Star Orchard


Saxham Cottage

Grange (Farm) Cottage

Rainbow Cottage

Rose Cottage

Town Farm –  is this associated with Wellers Tenement (1549). There is a Wellers Field along Saxham Street (tm 94 so near Town Farm or Fir Tree Farm).



Homes on the Green

Homes along Back Road

A strip of land separating Gipping Lane from Thrandstone’s Barn Field  (tm300) and  was orchard, further along the lane (towards Columbine hall) were 3 cottages occupied by James Diaper, Samuel Diaper and George Diaper. Although the orchard was owned by Stonham feoffees, James and Samuel are named as occupiers. In the  1851 census Samuel  was farmer of 20 acres.

Jacobs Cottage

Homes along the A1120 – (in no particular order)

(formerly Main Road, Church Road, Pitman Road, even Saxham Street!)

Barn Cottages

Myrtle Cottages

Pendle Cottage


The Croft


Wren Cottage

Other Locations

Uplands, Hill House or Tithe Farm– on the road to Stowmarket.