From John Kebyll of Degonys will of 1494. his son Richard to have tenement Padnall [see Crown Farm] & pightle Fakenmannys & tenement Shoppys at Churchgate.
From a copy of the 15th century Thorney Manor Rentals of the Court of John Hotot {HAL/CC2/1/3 – retreived by Neil Langridge, 2022}.
William Hammond – for that piece of land lying in Padm’emedwe
From the Rental of Thorney Hall Manor 1618 from manorial documents in Hadleigh Archive. {Neil Langridge}.
-William Hayward for a messuage called Fildes iiacres of land late Padnalls and Fildes by the rent of vis iid.
– the same for iii acres of land and pasture parcell of the tenement Fildes with owt grant of the lord lyeng in Thorney next the lands called Matthewes the old rent for the iiacres & the afor named is by yer
-The same for a piece of lande & pasture lying in plampton pightell next dulles.