Stowmarket's Church Bells, repairs etc
. Unless otherwise indicated copied from notes retrieved by Neil Langridge 2024)
From the church warden accounts of 1673 ( James Harrold).
- pd 2s 6d to the Ringers the 23rd April (i.e.St Georges Day).
- pd 2s to the Ringers on 29th May.
- Laid out 6d when the fi (r?)st (or maybe fifth) bell was put out to be Run (g?)
- 3s ?d pd for the ringers of 5th November (Guy Fawkes, 1605 )
- £12 for the fist bell running (John Darby recast this bell).
- £1 14s 10d pd to Mr Cook for the kneple (?) & for Deakes (?) work about the bell & for -ga-s (?).
NL notes that the work being done about the church was probably in connection with damage done when the spire which had been erected in 1674 was blown down in the great storm of 26th November.
From the church warden accounts of 1703 (church warden Thomas Richer)
- paid to James Mariat for atricles (6d), more for Two Sermons Bells (summons bells?) – 1s.
- May 29th : pd 19s to Mr Cooke for removing the timber in the church. Pd 1s to Mr Coman for the seing of the worke on the Church.
- March 2, (1704?) pd £10.0.0 to Tho Manby & Robt Clarke for carpenters work done one the church.
From the church warden accounts of James Pyman 1705.
- Pd £5 0s 0d to John Jay for running & laying lead on the sought side of the church
- Pd 12s to This Manby & Robt Darkein in ple of worke done at the church
- 5s laid out upon agreeing the worke with the plumer.
- 1s laid out for takeing off the lead & shingle board of the North Side of the church
- £7 pd to the masons for work done at the church
- £5 to Mr Doole & Mr Farr for Joyners worke about the seates of the church
- 6s 8d &1/4 pd to Willm Wright for nailes used about the church as appeared by his bill
- 13s 5 1/4d for irons & nails used about the church as appeared by his bill.
- 14s pd to John Inham for irons & nails use about the church
- £3 pd to John Jay for worke on the North & SOuth side of the church upon the steeple
- 7s 3d pad to Benj Stribling for mending the She..ock.
- 7s 3d pd to Willm Beales for work done upon the steeple
- £8 8s 0d pd to the plummers in money in Ple.
- £1 2s pd to Willm Mobbs for Glazing the church & 6s 5d for 300 of lead at 35s & 6s 5d laid out at several times for weighing the lead.
- 10d to John Gunting for two pounds of nailes.
- 7s 6d pd to John Baker for worke done about the church
- 4s pd to Mr Doole for hanging a Beame in the church