About Us
As of 2025, the committee has 5 trustees:
Sandra Walker – chair, archivist and Local Recorder for SHLC.
Jerry Voden – secretary
Clive Snowling – Treasurer
Neil Langridge – event organiser and researcher (founder member).
Dave Walker – IT adviser.
Neil Langridge (NL) is responsible for researching most of our latest content.
Sandra Walker (SW) has done most of the uploading of content from our archives editing under the supervision of Dave.
We are very grateful to our members and other people associated with Stowupland for sharing their memories and/or donating photos and documents to increase our knowledge of Stowupland’s past.
ECA denotes that the research was carried out by local recorder and historian Ena Carter or her friends that formed an archives which is now part of Stowupland Local History Group Archives.NL denotes the research was carried out by Neil Langridge.SW denotes research carried out and/or uploaded by Sandra Walker and that the item is part of Stowupland Local History Group Archives
Over the years members of the group have been privileged to visit various sites, both within Stowupland and in the surrounding villages and towns.These visits as well as being enjoyable have helped us to understand more about our village and the people who have called it home.
The group came together following a consultation within the village about what clubs and activities local people were interested in, as part of the 2010 neighbourhood plan.
Read a report on the Origins of Stowupland Local History Group that was written by Marion Haris in 2019.
Posters were put up around the village to advertise the first meeting to introduce the committee and to find out whether local people had already done their own research.