Croft Farm and farmhouse

sketch of Maltings Cottages

1940’s sketch of Maltings Cottages or Croft Farmhouse, not to be confused with ‘The Croft’ which is further along the road and still a family home.

thatched cottage on fire
1967 Maltings Cottages are demolished by burning

It was demolished in 1967, having been sold in 1964 by Mr F.C. Cubbitt. It was sold with 57 acres, a barn and some other Crown Farm buildings. .The house was subsequently demolished possibly by burning  and other houses built. Mr Cubbitt had moved into a bungalow near Columbine Bungalows.

Earlier occupants:

1938 – Fred Cubbitt, Kelly’s directory decribes him as a farmer

1931 to 1933 Jane and Ziba Boulton, after her husband’s death Jane lived ther till 1936



19th century – from Census reports we know that members  of the The Pyman family‘were living there.

  • 1874 through to 1891, it Sarah Pyman is named and then to 1916 ‘the Misses Pyman’
  • 1864 Robert Pyman is named as running the post office and being a tailor
  • In 1855 Malting Farm was owned and occupied by Mrs Pyman
  • 1851 the census names James Wolsey age 66 as a pauper, and Robt Pyman age 38 as a tailor

1840 – from tithe  apportionments

  • tm 419 -John Pyman is owner with Howard Baldwin, a poulterer, as occupier.
  •  tm 417 owner John Pyman and James Wolsy  & others as occupiers
  • tm423 behind the The Croft and Croft farm is Pond field
  • tm 430 or Maltings Lane  runs past Maltings Cottage/farm giving access to Park Farm.