Why is that road called that?
For those places that are no longer in use go to lost roads and place names here we will attempt to explain why some existing roads are so called.
Felix and Devon Roads. Neil Langridge explained that after naming Broomspath Road and Highfield Road on the Hopgood estate there were still 2 roads unnamed.’ We might guess that the fall-back of holiday places was considered; Devon and Felixstowe.’ Felixstowe Road seemed awkward so Felix Road was used. ‘Felixstowe is generally accepted to have been named in the 13th century after Felix of Burgundy who became Bishop of Dunwich in 631. Saint Felix is credited for bringing Christianity to East Anglia and several churches are dedicated to him.’
Bells Lane. Now the A1120 between Saxham Street and the A140, but was this once Bellys Lane that is mentioned in Nicholas Coleman’s will of June 1455. he bequeathed 6s 8d for the ’emendation of a lane called Bellys Lane’.{ECA/wills/Peter Northeast.}