Massial dil Forth

From the Thorney Manor Rental of John Hotot -1400s.

(HA1?CC2/1/3 retrieved by Neil Langridge, Neil notes that the name maybe associated with a name in the 1381 Poll Tax: Johannes serviens ma{rcial} atte Ford.

Lands associated with Massail dil Forth

  • for land and tenement that Robin del Bregge formerly held in Thorney.
  • a piece of land occupied by Roger Frost lying at le rentle between land of Massail dil Forth and Kings Highway to Stowe, one head buts onto the way leading to Hoowoode and the other on to the common way leading to Bromcros containing 9 acres and 1 rod.
  • John Qwydereld held 1 acre of land lying between the wood of Massail dil Forth & the common way called le Sondeweye (Hen 1V se’do 1400-1)
  • Thomas Broun for a certain close lying beside Masail dil Forth on one part John Kyng de Leye for a cetain piece lying between of the aforesai John on one part & land once of John Neue on the other, one head abuts on the common way to Cretyng and the other on the close of the aforesaid John.
  • Richard Bettes for iii peices of land once one peice of land calles spadekyr & another peice of land lying near the land of Massail dil Forth on one part and the common way on the other & one side abuts on land of John Hotot on the one part and land os the said Massail dil Forth and another piece abuts on the land of amassail & one head abuts on Hoowoode & the other on common way fro Gaggorth to Stowe.
  • Massail del Forthe for that piece of land lying beside Schaggarsdyslyegg.
  • William M…yn for that piece luing between land of Massail dyl Forth on one part alnett..bosc (?) Richard Mondeuyle on the other part.