Looking after the Evacuated children
Based on notes taken from Stowupland School Log Book made by Neil Langridge in 2021 (Suffolk Record Office). The diary entries are from Margaret Catchpole’s Archive now held by SLHG. The photos were kindly shared by one of the children from Ilford. The lady shared how much she enjoyed her time in Stowupland.
September – 92 children of school age have been evacuated to this village from Ilford.On this account school for the present to be held in two shifts it’s 9 to 12 and 1 to 3.45. A canteen is om course of preparation
30th October – Today school commenced to function in the normal way two sessions 9-12 and 1-3.30p.m.. The classes in turn are using the Boys Brigade hall for a half day so as to give more room in school.
23rd February -School dentist Miss Rider attended to the evacuees teeth.
4th March – Miss Kinch absent due to influenza. Evacuees merged with Stowupland children
8th April – Mr Clapton and Mr Porter, Ilford called today to discuss the rearrangement of classes because Mr Brett recalled to Ilford.
2nd December – Mr Pemberton, His Majesty’s Inspector, called and discussed the question of merging the evacuees into the school.
5th December – Mr Clapton called and suggested that the merging of the evacuees with the school should commence after the Christmas holidays.
12th March – Miss Sorley has been finally recalled to Ilford.
21st April -reopen the school admitted three local children and 2 evacuees. Roll 96 evacuees 13 present 82 evacuees 13 present
9th July – Keith Mills and Hazel Boss, 2 evacuees have been informed that they have passed the minor scholarship examination.
September – admitted 7 children. Roll 81 +14 evacuees + 16 Ilford evacuees.
22nd May – Closed school today for Whitsuntide holiday 2 days. Miss Heron, Ilford has been recalled so terminated her work here today.
March – Geoffrey Howe and Doreen Quelch, Ilford evacuees sat the scholarship examination in school today
April 16th – Miss Hardy, evacuee teacher called to enquire about the numbers of Ilford evacuees
May 3rd – reopen the school this morning admitted 3 children, one evacuee has returned home. Roll 94 + 10 evacuees.
14th May – Doreen Quelch and Geoffrey Howe, evacuees from Ilford have passed the scholarship examination.
10th January – reopen school this morning, admitted 4 children, Roll 91 evacuees 10.
26th February– Paul Mills sat for the Chigwell school scholarship today.
7th April – reopen school admitted 6 children 4 evacuees have returned home. Roll 93 evacuees 8
11th September – Reopen school admitted 24 evacuees and 4 village children. Roll 80 evacuees 31
20th November – Ms Abbott returned to duty this morning, Mr Lawrence teacher-in-charge of the Ilford children called to see the three Ilford children.
April 9th – Reopen school this morning and admitted 3 girls. Roll 83 +13 evacuees.
May 8th – 2 days holiday for VE day when Germany surrended to the allies
23rd May – reopen school admitted 2 children Roll 83 + 8 evacuees