We don’t know the extent of the area that was known in earlier times as Thorneycroft but it seems to have been roughly where todays Dole Farm stands.
Robert Kebyll the elder of Saxston hamlet in the town of Stowmarket– bequeathed in 1511 ” his soul to lorde god and to our lady saint mary. Burial in St peter in stow
- Sums for prayer by ‘an honest priest’ and fryars in Gpiswych
- Richard my son tenement called fenkells and hervyes with land in Saxston with a parcel of badgrym lying in Stonham and my closes called doolys and Thorneycroft with a messuage called cutts,
- with 30 s a year to his mother jane and the parlor and solar and ‘liberte to go to the bakehouse for to bake her bredd’
Ena Carter tells us that in 1618 William Keble of Degos held 6 1/2 acres called Thorneycroft which had been owned by John Reppes (Lord of the Manor 1557 to 61)
William Keble de Degos for vi acres and halfe of land and pasture … rent of iiis iiid called Thorneycroft & Longe Dole abutting upon dedman —lane {1618 Thorney Hall Manor rentalls held in Hadleigh Archives}
We have no record of Long Dole but in 1840 Doal’s field was tm43 and Great Dole was tm48. The landowner and occpier were recorded as Robert Steggall