
Denny is a name that is often found in the Stowupland Census returns but the relationships between the different families is rarely known

Willie (William) Walter Denny M.M is named on Stowupland’s Roll of Honour but not much is known about him.

In 1911 census there is a Willie Denny age 18 who is a  builders clerk living in  Stowupland Road . His parents are Walter Wallace Denny a chequer (?) on railway and Sarah.

Willie’s death is recorded  as 25th March 1918 but his name is listed in the War Office weekly casualty list for 14 May 1918, “Hampshire Regt. Denny 26607, L-Cpl. W. W. (Stowupland)”. He was awarded The Military Medal and his death is recorded on the Arras Memorial.

NL found notice of an auction in a 1913 newspaper for 4, Eriswell Terrace being let to W. Denny (presumably Walter) – he adds  I think this is one of the terraces towards the station.

medal record
WW Denny's medal record Card

From Dec 1918 we know of  2 neighbouring Denny households because of a report Neil Langridge found in the school log book reporting the deaths of “Two children Vera Denny and Alice Denny living next door to each other died of the epidemic”.

ladies gossiping
Caution, gossip

In the 20th century Joe Denny (Saxham Street) was found dead lying in a few inches of water at the bottom of a ditch.

In the mid 1960’s Stowupland was the scene of a murder enquiry after local resident Tom Denny was found severely injured and later died.

black and white press photo of woman
Mrs Hilda Denny, wife of Tom Denny, in 1965
black and white photo of a man

 The police officers investigating the attack reported that due to Mrs Denny being deaf she was difficult to question and no one was able to corroborate her report that two men beat her up wanting money and jewellery. No arrests have ever been made.

Although it is difficult to see, to the left of the house is the Old gypsy caravan in which Mr Denny often slept. The house no longer stands.

Black and white press photo of house

Margaret Catchpole recorded the death of May Denny in Hospital at 12:20, this may have been 31st December 1964  when May was 78. She added a note that May was a cousin of Elijah Burrows.