FFrom a copy of the 15th century Thorney Manor Rentals of the Court of John Hotot {HAL/CC2/1/3 – retreived by Neil Langridge, 2022}.
- – Thomas Cardon a piece of land between land of John Hotot on each part, one head abuts on Hoowoode on one part & le sondweye on the other (NL suggests the Sondweye maybe rendering of Sand Way so to do with the road that borders the Gipping and transport of sand.)
- – John Tarrell for land in divers places in Hoowodefeld.
- – Walter Barbo’ for piece of land in Hoowodefeld.
- – Roger Frost for that piece of land lying at le rentle between land of Massial dil Forth and Kings Kighway to Stowe, one head abuts on the way leading to Hoowoode and the other on the common way lading to Bromcros conating 9 acres and 1 rod.
Richard Bettes for iii pieces of land once one part of land called le spadeakyr & another piece of land lying near the wood of Massail dil Forth on one part and the common way on the other & one side abuts on land of John Hotot on the one part and land of the said Massail and another piece )?) abuts on the land of Massail dil Forth & one head abuts on Hoowode & the other head on common leading from Dagworth to Stowe.
Included but not sure if relevant – Barth. Terryng – for that meadow formerly John Skynner and one other meadow adjoining formerly Roger dil Hoo and one head abuts on a wood formerly of Hugh Gunneld & the other head on land of the said John.
In 1624 some 40 acres of land in Stowupland were purchased for £300.00 on behalf of a Great Ashfield charity. Read more about Hoowood-and-Great-Ashfield-charity-2021-NL.
In 1840 it covered 6 tithe field areas 511, 512, 524, 525, 526 and 527 and a barn 531 – as outlined in red. (NL)