Saxon, Roman and even earlier.
The Rev Hollingsworth’s ‘History of Stowmarket’ is an interesting starting point for learning what might have been happening in Stowupland in pre-medieval history.
LiDAR and archeology give us other clues.
Some artifacts have found their way to Ipswich museum:
A Roman lock and horse shoes were found at Park Farm with fragments of Samian ware. {IPSMG:R. 1930-209}.
A small stone ring or bead of unrecorded date {IPSMG:R 1930-216}
An antler handle with fragments of a knife blade was found in the garden of Grange Farm – unrecorded date. {IPSMG:R.196394.B}.
A coin of Sestertius of Nerva AD97 was found in plough soil at Grange farm. {IPSMG:R. 1973-136}.