
It appears from the historical record that members of the Stedman family owned or were the ocuupiers of various properties or fields around Stowupland. As we learn more their details will be added here. However it is not always possible to be sure of family connections.

1827  (Terrier) 3 pieces of land called Coemans containing 18 acres more or less, abutting onto the road to Earl Stonham on the South, Earl Stonham Townlands on the west on late Mr Collets lands on the North and Mr Samuel Birds lands on the east late in the occupation of John Roper and now of John Stedman.

John Stedman (d.1844)

July 20th 1844: Sale of Property of John Stedman (Deceased) Freehold double cottage in the occupation of Edmund Robinson & George Alexander, & 3 pieces of arable land (9 acres) in occupation of executors.

19th century, relating to The Firs, Saxham Street

1896 (Whites) wxors of George Stedman.  1885 & 1891/2 Mrs George Stedman. 1855, 1864 &74 George Stedman, as well as at the Firs also farmes at Leys in Earl Stonham – then known as Shepherds)

1881 census gives George Stedman as a farmer of 135 acres, with his wife Martha Stedman (35) and children George (9), Kate (6). Also living there was Annie Catchpole (15) who was a domestic servant.

1855 Rate Book, George Stedman H&F (Rev G. Turner is owner.

1851 Census – Geo Stedman, Saxham Street, age 36. farmer of 110 acres employing 4 men and 2 boys

1846(P.O)  Mrs Rachel Stedman (d. 29 the November 1857 aged 80).

1844 Whites – John Stedman

Ipswich Journal 20th July 1844 – Sale of Property of John Stedman deceased.

September 30th 1844: Sale of all Stock & household effects etc of Mr John Stedman, deceased (Ena Carter adds a query if this refers to The Firs.)

From the deeds of Crown Farm a press report relating to Stowupland Farm (presumably Crown Farm), between 1851 and 59 the lease is renewed to John Stedman

1896 Kellys: John Stedman, farmer & landowner Crown Farm.

                    (exors) of George Stedman, farmer

1891/2 Kellys: Mrs George Stedmanm farmer Saxham Street (Firs?).

                           – John Stedman, Farmer, Crown Farm

1901 Census has Kate Stedman (26) in The Firs with Harriett Wilden (18) as a domestic servant