Burch and/or Birch
Burch is a fairly common name in Stowupland, sometimes Burch is encountered as being spelt Birch.
Not all Burch’s are related and sometimes it is impossible to tell from the snippets of information in our archives which Burch is being written about, many christian names are repeated across the families.
Eventually, if a Burch family member is in our archive it will be added here. Individuals will be listed by their date of birth, but if we have details of other family members they may be entered within their family.
Born in the 19th century
Jane Burch lived near the Crown and died there in 1916. She had been born in 1832 in Mendlesham. Jane had 9 children but never married. {Photo from her great, great granddaughter via Facebook 2020)}
Robert Burch was born around 1796 in Stowupland. On March 29th 1829 Robert married Elizabeth Catchpole and the following year their only son Samuel Burch was born. By the time of Samuel’s baptism in 1830 Robert was listed as a ‘Victualler at the Crown Public House’.
1891 Thomas Burch (age 33), a carpenter marries Elisabeth Ling (age 32). Thomas is the son of Samuel Burch also a carpenter. Elisabeth is the daughter of John Ling, a miller.
1914 Thomas Burch is a carpenter at the Chemical manure works, he dies leaving his property to his only child Thomas Jack Burch. Thomas Jack’s mother dies on 5th february 1926. (This property maybe Fir Tree Cottage)
Thomas Jack Burch
(b. January 1st 1893)
1911 census T.J. Burch is working as an apprentice Fitter at the Electrical Engineering works in Stowmarket.
Frank Burch – is associated with various locations in Stowupland. He lived with his brother-in-law Walter Cubitt at Mill Green Farm on Mill street, Croft Farm (1927) along the Main Road and Pasture Farm.
As well as his engineering skills ,he was also renown for his ability with nature, caring for orphan birds.
Frank Burch (1877 – 1965) was a phenomenal engineer, mechanical and chemical. He was acclaimed locally for his ability to build motorised vehicles from scratch, where necessary even designing the tools needed for construction.
He also was chief engineer at the Stowmarket Gun-Cotton works during WW1 helping to manufacture explosives that were used on the western Front to blow up Turkish railways. After the war he became involved in the aircraft industry.
He built the first motor-bike to be made in Suffolk when working for a firm in Beccles. He worked from a shed nr Elm Farm, and later from one on the corner of Saxham Street.
(Thomas) Jack Burch.
according to Ena Carter was probably the son of Jack Burch of Milton Road, Stowmarket. He sold bycycles and set up the first petrol pumps in Stowupland by the side of ‘Conifers’ (461 tm), which was demolished in 1973.
Chas Burch
Kellys 1896: Chas Burch, iron & template worker, plumber & glazier, Thorney Green.
Charles Burch (cousin to Frank), lived on the Green (last house on the left up the Alley, possibly in 1974 known as Blencos), made the first bicycle in the parish
Frank Burch (c1900s) – his family lived at Laburnum Cottage.
This Frank was married to Moses Stimpson’s (1904 bailiff of Water Run Farm) daughter. Frank’s sister marries Walter Cubbitt and after the death of his wife Frank lived with them.
Moses had 2 brothers; Aaron and Samuel. Samuel had been a London PC for 40 years and he died at Pasture farm.
Charlie Burch (Kellys 1916)
Plumber and glazier
Charlie was Frank Burch’s Uncle, (who was married to the daughter of Moses).
Kellys 1916: Jn Burch a pork butcher on Thorney Green.
Leonard Burch, Private 47225 1st Inniskilling Fusiliers. b. 1892 Hitcham – d 15th October, 1918. Aged 26.
He died of his wounds and is buried in Grave 1VG11 Dunhallow Cemetery, Belgium.
In 1901 he was living on Main Road, the second child of William and Mary Burch.
Born in the 18th century.
Robert Burch was born around 1796 in Stowupland. On March 29th 1829 Robert married Elizabeth Catchpole and the following year their only son Samuel was born. By the time of Samuel’s baptism in 1830 Robert was listed as a ‘Victualler at the Crown Public House’.
The 1841 census tells us that Robert aged 45 is head of the household but his father was also living at the Crown ( October 1847 Mr William Burch dies age 91).
The owner is John C. Cobbold.
The 1851 census tells us that Robert is still at the Crown, also there is his nephew Charles Barnard, age 23 who was a journeyman carpenter. In 1853 Robert and Elizabeth’s only son died at age 22.
Kelly’s 1869 Robert Burch at the Crown.
In 1870 Elizabeth died, 4 years later at age 75 Robert died, he was buried in Holy Trinity graveyard.
Robert’s nephew Charles Barnard succeeds him as landlord.
Children of Samuel and Hester Burch who were baptised in Stowmarket Independant Meeting House (later Congregationalist/URC)
Hester Anne b 29th March 1780
Susannah Page b 9th February 1783
Samuel Rout (sic) b 15th February 1784
Elizabeth Elicott b 5th February 1785
the above were baptised on 23rd December 1785
Joseph b 28th February 1786, baptised 2nd April 1786
Thomas Lev— b 8th October 1787, baptised 29th October 1787
Richard b 3rd February 1790, baptised 13th march 1790
{Details supplied by Neil Langridge}