Have you checked out Jerry’s Jabbas. Here you can listen to our secretary talking through his review of research our speakers have shared with us.
Our SLHG Newsletter 32 for Ocotber’s Telstar had a very woody theme. Our events organiser Neil gave us his review on Robert Halliday’s talk to the group about carved bench ends in Suffolk churches. Unfortunately Jerry was away for this talk so there is no audio version.
And we continued sharing the Rev Brame’s memories of growing up in Stowupland. This time we focused on his memories of his father’s working life as a carpenter-builder.
Everytime I think I have uploaded all the relevant material from Leslie’s manuscript I find something else that should really be included. If you are interested in what he had to say about Stowupland in the 1920s and ’30s then clicking on the search symbol (looks like a mini magnifier) in the main menu bar and typing Brame will give ypu plenty of pages to explore.
Leslie Brame’s uncle lived in the same tenement as the Brame farmily. Leslie called him Uncle Happy, he worked as a thatcher and Leslie gives a wonderful description of Alfred Robinson.