Some Stowupland school activities in the 20th century
In 1920 there were 2 teachers in charge of the Infants, Miss Nelly and Miss Hetty (possibly Birch). The infant’s room was split into 2 sections, ‘the part nearer the Church was for new entrants, and the other for second year infants.’Both section were taught to chant their tables up to ten times, and basic reading and writting and additions of numbers under 10.
From infants there were standards 1 through to 6. Standard 1 was housed in the bell-room, under the gable end containing the bell. Children graduated from writting in pencil to using pen and ink.
Learn more about 1920s elementary school lessons as remembered by the Rev Leslie Brame in his manuscript ‘As I Remember It.’ He wites of the staff, in additon to the sisters Miss Nelly and Hetty, he remembered Mr Heal who taught woodwork, Mr Naphthine and Mr Dewing. The lessons he recalled were gardening, physical training, art and woodwork. The girls had domestic science ‘in the buidling where hot dinners were prepared for staff and students of the Secondary school. So their first job was to wash uo all the dishes used by the people who had dinners, and to clean the large dining room’
One year in the 1930’s the school children collected 820 eggs that were donated to the East Suffolk and Ipswich Hospital.Whether this was a one off collection we don’t know.
Under Mr Bramhall the boys spent Friday afternoons working in the school gardens. Rev Brame in his ‘As I Remember It’ tells us the school had ’40 garden plots on half an acre of land, each of the 40 boys having his own plot’. They were judged ‘in conjunction with the Annual Flower Show and prizes were awarded. He added ‘we were mortified when it was raining and we had to join the girls in singing lessons!’
In 1953 Mrs Kinch was asked to make suggestions for suitable types of classes that her children could enter in the Stowupland Flower Show and Fete at Stowupland Hall.
She suggested a specimen page of writing, an imaginative drawing, a design drawing, needlework (either a shoe bag or knitted article), an article made from felt, and for boys a handwork task making a section sewn book with a decorated cover. Each class age group would be judged separately, so with a total of 16 classes she hoped there were not too many.
She concluded with ‘the over 11 girls who go to Stowmarket’ had usually had their own class ‘but it hasn’t been very well supported’.
suggested prizes were to be 2/6, 2 shillings, 1/6 or 1 shilling.
In 1969 the school children were encouraged to enter the Stowupland Flower Show. There were over 100 entries across 8 classes. Cash prizes were given, varying from 5/- for 1st place down to 1/- for 4th place, depending on the class;
There was a class for a miniature garden, an article of needlework (over 9’s or under 9), an article of handwork (over 9’s or under 9), a floral necklet, a pencil sketch or 6 jam tarts
A Selection of School pantos and plays
1942 School concert
Mrs Forest was a school manager but it is unknown whether the other cast members are school children or adults
This image was posted on Facebook in 2023 by Peter Addison. He suggested it showed a group of 9 year old pupils in their costumes for a 1955 Christmas production at Stowupland County Primary School (now Freemans).
Some suggested names for the young performers were Mary Brett (who remembered being dressed as a violet), Pat Giles, Lesley Runeckles and Hilary Alexander
1963 Christmas Concert
1965 , SnowWhite and the Seven Dwarfs
!964 Pantomania, –
– inspired by fairy land tales and rats
1985, The Bell That Cried
Read more about Stowupland Elementary school teachers