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1911 image of Stowupland Vicarage

Latest Update 11

September 2023 has been hot and humid, but we had a good turn out for Don Mobley’s talk on the USAAF in East Anglia. Don took us from WWI through to the present day. You can read a report on this in the next update.

The house that Don lives in was home to one of the young men named on Stowupland’s WW2 memorial.  Wilfred Scarlett was one of the crew on a plane piloted by a young American aviator that was shot down over the Netherlands.

Our Newsletter 20 that was published in September’s Telstar 368 includes a brief review of a film we watched made by Holly Brega on The Land Girls and Horses of Suffolk.

Whilst composing the SLHG article for Telstar I realised that we have some interesting pieces on our  vicarage, so I have been updating that page.

And then I got side tracked when I came across some photos that Neil had taken of the remains of a WW2 gun emplacement, so I have made a start on a page recording structures and memories as a record on the   impact of conflicts  in Stowupland. Which led me up Saxham Street to Poplar Farm, as although there was no damage done to the farm we know an incendary bonb did land in one if its fields.