Our Farms and Farmhouses

Ena Carter located over 30 Stowupland Farms in the Tithe Apportionment, which were carefully marked on a sketched map of Stowupland. Although few are still working farms most farmhouses still remain. However over the centuries some have changed their  their names, this often reflects a change of ownership or tenancy.
outline of 1880 Stowupland roads

Some farms have been lost, others have had various names during their working life. Without a tithe reference number it is very difficult to locate their locations and history. before the Tithe apportionments many areas were divided into crofts, we are very gradually finding out where these were located.

From the Norfolk Chronicle of 23rd September 1797 we have the story  of ‘a fire broke out in the barn of Mr. Batt, farmer, at Stowupland, in Suffolk, which was wholly destroyed, together with  a considerable quantity of corn in stacks, adjoining thereto but, by timely assistance, was prevented from communicating to the dwelling house. The above accident was occasioned by some charcoal taking fire that was to early put into sacks and stood in the barn’.

At present we do not know where Mr Barr farmed, see below for other farmers and farms that we can not place.

Ashes (The)

Boar Farm location is unknown

Clamp Farm or Camp Farm or Howe Farm

Columbine Hall

Corner Farm

Croft Farmhouse or Maltings Cottages

Crown Farm

Davys farm

Gipping Farm: previously Studd Farm and before that Pooley

Grange Farm (see image]

Green Farm: may have been Thorney Cottage

Elm farm (see  farmhouses and farms for images), or Degos or Dagar House


Howgate Farm

Mill Street Farms

Mount Pleasant (t/m535)

Oak Farm (tm 500)

Farms which are a bit of a mystery to us:

1820 occupier Mr Edward Pooley

4th October 1821 For Sale a small Stowupland farm of 43 acres ( with and adjoining field of 3 acres) previously occupied by Meward Pooley but now William Smith

1804, Mr John Roper

Ipswich Journal, 30th June: farm sale, now in the occupation of John Roper who has notice to quit at Micelmas – Far,house and tenement divided into two cottages (89-1-33 acres) – right of common on Thorney Green. All freehold except 10 acres on manor of Thorney Keebles.

Ipswich Journal, 15th September: Sale of effects of Mr John Roper of Stowupland – capital live and dead farming stock – diary & brewing utensils – part of household effects.

1806, Mr Wm Southgate

Ipswich Journal, 27th September: Sale of Farming live & dead stock & part of household furniture of Mr Wm Southgate on Thorney Green, Stowupland

Kellys 1904, Flanders Bendall, farmer

Kellys 1916 Chas (Charles) Garrard

This maybe Town Farm?

Skowers Farm, is mentioned in a document dated Oct 9th 1790 and has something to do with John Newsted and Coopers barn in Saxham Street. Could this be Joseph S. Kowen father of Mary Roper (Mary died 1784) relating to property in Hatch Croft.  

There is also mention in 1782 – relating to Bramford Farm of a  lease from Nathaniel Acton of Bramford, esq, to Joseph Skowen Roper of Stowupland, farmer

Find out more about our local farms and Farming People and Practices.